Souvenir of Absence (Good Night, Good Morning, Good Night)

Maral Müdok
Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach (HfG)
Single Channel Video, 10.53 min
»Souvenir of Absence (Good Night, Good Morning, Good Night)« searches for ways of narrating, describing and representing the notion of temporality, treated through appearance and disappearance of images and voices of two beings. Each person is represented through different materials, such as VHS footage from the family archive and manipulated voice recordings. On top of the grainy images are superimposed high quality sharp scenes of landscapes from a cemetery located in the south of Turkey, in the need of showing and conserving a present. While the images appear, disappear and reappear, the artist’s silent narrative shows the trajectory the several stories overlapping. What does the camera provide? While registering absence?